Being a mum is a tough gig. But what job is even more difficult? Being a mum during the Christmas period.
If you’re not queueing in lines at shopping centres for presents, you’re waiting in another line at the supermarket preparing for that Christmas lunch you’ve been dreading since last Boxing Day.
And in between all that Christmas prep, you’re still carpooling your kids everywhere and attending every one of their events that have spilled into your calendar.
Every year, you tell yourself you’ll do less.
Do you though? Absolutely not.
To sum it up, there’s often not one minute of downtime to relieve the stress as Christmas expectations grow.
But US mum-of-two Kristen Hewitt reminded us that mums aren’t superhuman, especially around the holiday season.
“So I did something that some may think is selfish recently, but I really needed it,” the two-time Emmy award-winning TV reporter posted on Facebook.
In the post, Hewitt explained that she missed her daughter’s honour roll assembly to go for a run, and for a reason mums around the world often forget.
“I started to feel the guilt creep in as I made this tough decision, but then I remembered ME, and how hard Thanksgiving and the week that followed was with my husband travelling,” she wrote.