
A mum shamed for bottle feeding her baby.

And she was thrown out of the store.

How many of us have done this and not even given it a second thought?

I know I have.

As a mother you just get on with things and get stuff done don’t you? Especially when your kids are being testy.

And the one time they are guaranteed to be testy is Christmas shopping. You just want to get it over and done with.

For this West Australian mum her Christmas spirit has been rocked when she was “bottle shamed” by a local store who pointedly asked her to leave as her baby was drinking his bottle in his pram while she browsed the suburban clothing shop.

The mum who only wants to be identified as Alissa took to social media to complain after she was asked to leave a woman’s clothing store in Bunbury on Monday.

She told WA Today that her 11-month old son was fully enclosed in a covered pram when the incident took place.

She says the shop’s owner approached her, “inspected” her baby and proceeded to tell her the infant wasn’t allowed to feed as the store had a “no food and drink policy”.

Alissa told The Bunbury Mail, “My initial response was to exclaim 'how rude' and immediately leave the store."

"I was shaking with outrage that someone could have the power to request that I either remove the bottle from my son's mouth or leave the store altogether.”


After taking to social media, she was flooded with support from other mums.

“What??? Is the baby supposed to go hungry just please some insensitive people!!!” wrote one.

Another, “I'd like to see what she would say if I went in breast feeding??”

Of course, as is the way of social media, some supported the shop owner going down the 'why do mothers feel entitled' line of argument.

“It's your choice to have children and I think it's time that people accept what their choices cost. If that business doesn't want your business that's their issue.”

Alissa said she was stunned as her baby was happily drinking his milk.

"It is first and foremost a mother's instinct to protect their child", Alissa told The Bunbury Mail.

“In this instance removing the bottle would have caused him great distress and possibly result in a crying tantrum."

"I accept that food and drinks are not permitted in many stores as they are a significant cost to the clothing industry from damage acquired through drink spillage and soiled garments. I cannot accept that my son, who is only an 11-month-old baby, is unable to continue drinking his bottle while I browse this clothing store."

And it seems neither can the community with a breastfeeding and bottle feeding protest set up for Friday to demonstrate the objections of the local Mums.


It is not the first time that mothers have been “shamed” or asked to leave somewhere when they wanted to feed their babies.

But usually it is breastfeeding Mums who are targeted.

In this instance, it is heartwarming to see the usual Mummy-Wars of breast vs bottle put aside for a common goal.

The question facing many though is whether this mother should have simply left the store and fed her baby elsewhere. Is it right that parents feel entitled to override their rights over others?

Well if you have ever been in her shoes - in a hurry, a hungry baby and an easy solution presents - feed him AND achieve chores - you can empathise.

I don’t doubt there was no sense of entitlement, simply common sense guiding Alissa.

You only have to wonder why the shop owner couldn’t cut her a little slack and empathise too?

What do you think? Should Alissa have been asked to leave? Or should the shop keeper given her some slack?

Want more? Try:

“I’m paying for Christmas with my breastmilk.”

The presents your kids actually want this Christmas.

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