
Monday's news in under 2 minutes.


1. A Queensland mum has gone into labour just hours after her 22-month-old son was hit and killed by a garbage truck.

Olivia Atkinson’s son, Lochlain was killed instantly last Thursday when he was accidentally hit by the truck, which he’d gone outside to watch with his parents.

Olivia gave birth to her new baby just 12 hours after losing her first. “It was just a tragic accident where, for that split second, something went wrong,” she told News Corp.

“You can be so vigilant and in a second something can unfold and you can’t even comprehend what’s happening.”

2. Researchers from Cancer Research UK have claimed that skin cancer sufferers could be cured with breakthrough drugs, which they are claiming is the “beginning of a new era”.

It is the first time scientists have come close to developing a remedy for advanced melanoma. The new treatment involves two drugs — ipilimumab and anti-PD1s – which break down the defences of cancer cells.

The chief clinician at Cancer Research UK, Peter Johnson, has said: “These drugs that can turn the body’s own defences against a tumour are starting to show real promise for melanoma and other types of cancer … It’s only through research that we can gain the insights needed to develop new treatments for cancer patients.”

3. Attorney-General George Brandis will reportedly repay $1700 that he claimed as tax-payer funded expenses, in order to attend a wedding two years ago. Senator Brandis said yesterday he would repay the Government the money he used to attend the wedding of former radio shock-jock Michael Smith in December 2011, but also insisted in a letter to the Finance Department that, “I considered that those costs were within parliamentary entitlements, since they were incurred in the course of attendance at a function primarily for work-related purposes. I remain of that view.”


4. The Indonesian military has been implicated in the deaths of more than 20 asylum seekers off the coast of Indonesia. It has been alleged that members of the military helped asylum seekers get to the faulty boat which carried them from the country’s shores. According to the ABC, one survivor said: “The army took us … The army was driving the cars.”

At least 22 asylum seekers, most of whom were children, died last week when their boat sank off the coast of Java. Prime Minister Tony Abbott has since refused to answer questions about the incident and the government’s new policy that the media have dubbed ‘hiding the boats’.

Australia’s Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has also rejected the claims made by survivors that help from Australia took more than 24 hours, as false.  Morrison maintains that that Australian authorities received the first call on Friday and then co-ordinated their response.

Jill Meagher.

5. Thousands of people marched down Sydney Rd in the Melbourne suburb of Brunswick yesterday to remember murdered ABC employee Jill Meagher.

29-year-old Meagher was on her way home from a night out with friends around a year ago when she was attacked and raped by convicted sex offender Adrian Bayley.

Bayley has since been sentenced to 35 years in prison without parole for the attack. Phillip Werner, who organised this year’s march and last year’s, said: “I’ve called it a peace march and I believe people are here because they want to express the opposite sentiment to the things that led to the murder.”


6. A Victorian woman has been arrested in the US after she allegedly sent naked photos of herself to a 17-year-old.

31-year-old Rianne Gysberts was apprehended at a Tennessee McDonald’s restaurant after the 17-year-old’s mother made a complaint to police. Gysberts was allegedly in the United States for other reasons when she decided to visit the girl with whom she’d been talking to online for a month. She faces charges of sexual exploitation of a minor.

7. Doctors are calling for an age limit to be put in place for chiropractic treatments, after a chiropractor allegedly broke a baby’s neck in 2012. According to Fairfax Media the injury was reported to the Chiropractic Board of Australia last year, however the case was closed and the chiropractor was allowed to continue practicing so long as he studied with a pediatric chiropractor. You can read more about that story here.

8. A mum in the UK is making headlines after she reportedly admitted to saving money for her daughter’s boob job; her daughter is only four months old. 22-year-old Emily Bramley says she wants her daughter Maddie to grow up and be a glamour model like she is. Emily told UK newspaper The Sun: “If a breast enlargement or bum implants are what she needs we can do that for her.”

Have you seen anything in the news that you want to talk about?

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