true crime

Mum admits she injected faeces into her son while he underwent cancer treatments.

A mother of five, who works as a special needs teacher with young children, has admitted to putting faecal matter into her son’s IV while he was undergoing treatment for cancer.

The mum, Tiffany Alberts, 41, has been arrested and is charged with multiple counts of aggravated battery and neglect of a dependent.

The mum, Tiffany Alberts, 41, has been arrested. Via Facebook.

The Indiana mother, who writes extensively on Facebook about her life raising her children, one of whom has a disability, had been devotedly by her son’s side as he underwent the treatments.

WXIN reports that earlier this month staff at the hospital became concerned when the teenager’s illness took an unusual turn. He began to get multiple infections that they could not explain.

Alberts is a mother of five. Via Facebook.

Police were told the teenager had received his first round of chemotherapy in September and was sent home, but just days later he returned with a fever and was experiencing diarrhoea and vomiting.

This month he was back in hospital after having more chemotherapy and experiencing more strange unexplained symptoms.

Suspicious, hospital staff moved the boy to a room where they could keep him under video surveillance.

Staff became suspicious when her son became sicker. Via Facebook.

On November 17, the same day they moved him, they caught his mother on video injecting a substance into his IV multiple times.

Alberts was taken in for questioning she initially told police that she had been injecting water into her son’s IV line to “flush it” because she claimed the medicine that they were giving him burned.

She admitted to injecting him with his own faeces. Via Fox.

Detectives found a gift bag in the bathroom of the child’s hospital room that contained a bag for a substance that was consistent with faecal matter. They also found diarrhoea medication and weight loss pills, reports Fox News.

Stunned, police interviewed Alberts again and she admitted that she had been injecting the boy’s IV with his own faecal matter, and that it wasn’t the first time, in fact she had done it several times during his illness.

Alberts' daughter had been sick earlier in 2016. Via Facebook.
The Journal Herald

Her daughter, aged just 13, had also been ill, diagnosed with follicular adnexal carcinoma cancer that was removed earlier this year.

On Facebook Alberts writes with pride about how brave and strong her children are, saying she is proud of their achievements and how they get through their adversity. She comes across and loving and fiercely devoted to them.

Alberts is a prolific Facebook poster, and many of her posts relate to her children’s on-going health battles. In 2014 she posted:

“The evening we hit a wall. A new nurse with not much experience let [name removed] go too long without meds that caused a very bad chain reaction for my little guy. We had a meltdown that took almost three hours to calm.


"You put a little guy in a different environment on top of not feeling well, overtired, and cranky and you are in for a very rough spot for a hurting six-year-old. I think the nurse figured out I knew he needed the meds when I said he did and not when she thought he did. Just sad he was so upset for sooo long.

"On a good note! He is sleeping well right now and hopefully will for a while longer AND we may be going home tomorrow!! I think that home is where his heart is and may make recovery a little easier for him.
Thank you all for you prayers! It has been a long couple of days, but hopefully well worth it in the long run. God is Good!”

But while her public persona reflects her as a warrior going into battle for her kids, what was going on behind the scenes was chilling.

Alberts lost her husband, Jason earlier this year.

WXIN reports that the heath of Alberts' son has now improved after his mother was removed from the hospital.

But sadly doctors have said that because his treatment was on hold for 55 days while they treated the unexplained infections, they may have missed the best window to keep his leukaemia in remission.

Alberts, who has been released on bond, told police that she only injected her son with faeces to get him moved to another unit at the hospital where she said treatment was better.

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