There's A Man-Child In The Basement.

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It might seem far, far away, but don’t pretend you haven’t thought about it when they’re driving you nuts… what age should your beloved baby be kicked out of the nest? We talk to a still-at-home adult to find out.

Also, a school teacher asked her primary students to write about something they wished had never been invented, and one particular answer has us sniffling away guilty tears.

Plus, is it standard for mothers and daughters to bond over leg-waxing now? Whatever happened to throwing them a razor and shutting the bathroom door?


My daughter asked why she has hair on her legs and I don’t…

“You have hair on your legs and I don’t, darling, because you are still at an age where you are not yet expected to conform to society’s long-held beauty standards.

“You are, as yet, ignorant of the judgement and ridicule that you’ll attract if you decide to buck accepted beauty norms.

“You don’t know yet that the natural state of your body is considered disgusting and gross, and that if you don’t take steps to alter and tame it, you will be considered a peculiar rebel, worthy of note.

“You are not yet aware that our culture considers the naturally hairy state of a man’s body attractive and manly, but the naturally state of a woman’s body smelly and unhygienic.

“But don’t worry, you have all that to look forward to. You go girl, etc.”

Of course I didn’t say that.


Your hosts are Holly Wainwright and Andrew Daddo.

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This podcast was produced by Luca Lavigne.

This episode was made possible by Kmart and Disney Pixar’s Incredibles 2.

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