Did you ever see a movie as a child that really messed you up? Did it leave you with an irrational fear of wardrobes, quicksand or bunnies? Oh god, did you ever see BAMBI?
Members of Reddit have been making a list of the films that destroyed their childhood – the movies that made them hide behind the couch, left them terrified of water or plunged them into deep existential torment at age 6.
If you’ve ever needed therapy because some bright spark thought Simba watching his father die was OK, then this list is for you… (warning: you WILL have flashbacks):
1. Gremlins (1984)
“When I was like 6 or 7 my big sister, who would have been about 11 at the time, showed me Gremlins. I wouldn’t go near our pet guinea pig for weeks thinking it was going to turn into a Gremlin.”
“My step sister watched the Gremlims 2 movie when she was eleven, and had such bad night-mares that she had to see a psychologist for months. Whenever she was being a bitch, I’d rasp the word ‘Greeeemliiiinss!’ She’s not my step-sister any more.”
2. The Neverending Story (1984)
“Watching Artax drown in the mud from losing hope and giving into The Nothing…that’s some heavy shit to put on a kid’s shoulders.”
“The Artax scene was bad…but when Atreyu is walking through the cave and seeing the murals of everything that had happened, then gets to a picture of green eyes and fangs in the darkness..Only to hear a growl, turn around and realize he’s living that scene? Do you want to paralyse children with fear? Because that’s how you paralyse children with fear.”