
VIRAL: Why have these drawings taken over the internet?






There is an amazing thread on Reddit called ‘Pick a movie, remove one letter, give a brief description.‘ It’s basically filled with a bunch of hilarious movie titles that people have come up with after removing one letter from the original. So, ‘Pulp Fiction’ becomes ‘Pup Fiction’ and ‘Finding Nemo’ becomes ‘Finding Emo’.

It’s a bit clever and a bit fun, but the thread had mostly faded into obscurity since it popped up in 2012.

But now it’s back, and all because of an amazing artist who has turned all the best movie typos into incredible drawings. Check it:



Finding Emo: An insufferable teenage fish runs away from home. His father contemplates searching for him.



Lord of the Rigs: The story of one man’s unhealthy obsession with his truck.



The Princess Ride: After years apart two lovers are reunited, only to discover neither loves what the other has become.



Rave: One red-haired Scottish girl. One dance floor. One unforgettable night.


The artist, Austin Light, did the drawings as part of the INKtober project, in which artists are encouraged to create one new piece a day for a month. Light picked the 30 best movie typos to draw and posted them to Reddit.

And now they’ve gone crazy viral.

The pictures have had over a million views on reddit to date, and have grown so popular that Light launched a website and will soon be selling prints and t-shirts.

And c’mon… ‘Finding Emo‘? CLASSIC WORD PLAY.

Check out the rest of the drawings here. You won’t be able to stop clicking…




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