
Read this and you'll never complain about chin hair again

OK, confession.

Since my early thirties I have had to pluck out a few stray chin hairs here and there. I always knew the day would come. When I was a little girl I used to watch my mum pluck hers in the mirror. It’s genetic.

Damn you genes!

I was really embarrassed by my hair chin until I came across this amazing woman called Sarah O’Neill from from East Riding in England. Due to polycystic ovary syndrome, Sarah has suffered from excess facial hair all her life. “It used to embarrass me a lot, and my brother even called me Mac3, after the razor,” said told the Daily Mail.

After feeling ashamed of her condition most of her life, she decided to take action. Sarah decided to grow it as much as she could to raise money for Movember. She ditched the hair removal cream and tweezers and gave herself a clean shave, so she can show just how much facial hair she can grow in a month.

“Enough was enough and I had to accept that it was a medical condition that was just part of me. I now realise it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” she said.  “I want people to understand I’m not trying to be a man and that my facial hair is something that can’t be helped.”

Movember is a fundraising challenge where people grow facial hair in aide of prostate cancer and men’s mental health. It’s a really worthy cause.

I might grow a full beard, you never know! I don’t know what will happen, but it should be fun,” she said. “I’m definitely nervous about going four weeks – I’ve never gone that long before. I can get away with it for a bit, especially at the start because I’m strawberry blonde. But the hair does grow quite thick.”

UPDATE: Since growing a full face of hair, Sarah has decided to keep her facial hair to raise awareness of her condition. She told the Daily Mail: “I decided that it’s part of me, so why should I hide it to please other people. I wanted people to know that I’m not lazy or unclean, it’s just a medical condition”

Click here to show Sarah your support and to sponsor her for Movember (it’s the last day today!).

You can watch Sarah prepare for Movember in this YouTube clip. She then adds to the entry to show her amazing transformation and self-acceptance.

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