I’m really looking forward to Sunday. But experience tells me it won’t be the relaxing treat-fest the world’s preparing me for…
Over the weekend my son asked me what I’d like to do for Mother’s Day and before I could even answer, my husband interjected with, “For us to leave her alone”. I know he was kidding, but I suddenly wondered if there was an element of truth to it.
Mother’s Day is all about celebrating mothers and thanking them for everything that they do. Well, that’s the theory. Some suggest it’s just another confected “Hallmark holiday” to prop up the retail industry. I say, “So what?” We should take any and every opportunity to celebrate mothers – they do a bloody great job.
In theory, on the big day, she should be allowed a sleep in, only to be woken (at a reasonable hour) to the smell of fresh coffee and a fully cooked breakfast in bed. Then the rest of the day is really just a series of pleasures. Foot massages and lunch at her favourite restaurant with a total ban on her stepping inside the kitchen for the entire 24-hour period.
Or, to put in visual terms – THIS:
As beautiful as that story sounds. It plays out a little more like this: