My days are so jam packed full of the mundane. Washing, folding, school lunches, vacuuming, cooking, educating, checking off To Do Lists. I try hard to fit in exercise every day, not to mention running 2 businesses. My husband works away, so its just me and the kids for most of the time.
Some days, all I wish for in the entire universe is to pee by myself or drink a whole cup of tea in one sitting. Some mornings I wake up and before I’ve even opened my eyes, I think “I can’t wait until its bed time again”. I’m not the only one. In fact, I’ve no doubt just described nearly everyone I know.
Recently, I started to feel a little resentful of the way I was spending my days. My kids are little and they see me as an extension of themselves. In their eyes, its my sole purpose in life to cater to their every need. Food is put in front of them at roughly the same time every day. Their drawers fill up magically everyday with clean, folded clothes.
They have healthy lunches packed for them and plenty of beautiful books to choose from for me to read to them. They adore me, and tell me a million times a day. I know they are happy because they run and smile and laugh. But, as yet, they are not very good at being grateful or thankful. I started to feel like I had lost myself somewhere, and didn’t know who I was without my kids.
Then, just last week, I watched as Lily, who’s 4, got herself ready for her shower, turned the water on, made sure it was the right “lovely & warm” temperature (with my supervision, of course), washed herself, turned off the water, dried herself, picked out and got in her pyjamas, got her favourite book from next to her bed and settle into the couch to quietly read it. All by herself. I didn’t have to help once. I can’t remember when that happened? When did she start doing that? I suddenly became very conscious of the old cliché of how fast time was flying.