
Courtney McCutcheon defends allowing her two young daughters to star in makeup tutorials.

A mother who posts videos of her young daughters applying makeup online has been the subject of cruel taunts and abuse from trolls.

Courtney McCutcheon, a 28-year-old from Missouri in the US, allows her two daughters, Molly, five and June, three to participate in the makeup tutorials she shares on Instagram with her almost 40,000 followers.

McCutcheon’s two daughters often star in their own tutorials on her YouTube channel, as they’re both interested the art of applying makeup and contouring.

Whether you agree with her decision or not, we can all agree on one thing: online abuse, especially involving children, is not on.

McCutcheon says she’s been the subject of intense online trolling since the tutorials with her daughters began.

Many commenters have been attacking her parenting skills and her desire to put her daughters in front of the camera.


“It’s one [thing] to bash me but to bash my children is a totally different ball game. This is disgusting. I’m asking all of you to be considerate of other people’s feelings. There are real people that read these comments and I won’t lie, it is hurtful! I’m asking you to empower others,” she wrote.

In one of the comment, an Instagram user wrote that her actions accounted to “child abuse.”

“Instead of teaching her how to contour her face too look thinner, how about you teach her to look healthy,” they wrote.


In a recent interview, McCutcheon said she was “shocked” by the nature and aggression of the comments.

“One said that I should die for letting them play with makeup and accused me of child abuse,” she told The Sun.

“I was disgusted. I’ve always taught my daughters to love everyone and that it doesn’t matter about hobbies, skin colour or religion – just be you.

“It saddened me to see that people were commenting without knowing or caring how it would make us feel,” she said. (Post continues after gallery.)

Despite being the subject of criticism, McCutcheon said she has some ground rules as to how her daughters will be allowed to engage with makeup in the future.

“I don’t think there’s any harm in young girls wearing makeup, just as long as they know they are beautiful without it.

“I won’t be allowing them out of the house with full makeup on until they’re mature young ladies.

“For now, both of my girls just like to play with it for fun,” she said.

Watch: Mia Freedman discusses how she deals with haters.

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