
And the most trustworthy Australian is?

Who would you trust?





It’s not Kyle Sandilands. Or Tom Waterhourse, apparently.

Reader’s Digest has compiled a list of the most trusted Australians by asking 1200 people to give a bunch of famous Australians a score out of 10.

Your most trusted Australian?

Dr Charlie Teo.

The neurosurgeon and founder of Cure for Life Foundation, got an average score of 7.9. But he wasn’t the only medical professional at the top of the list. Medical researchers and advocates took most of the top gongs.

Burns specialist, Dr Fiona Wood, cancer immunologist Ian Frazer and obstetrician and Ethiopian Hamlin Fistula Hospital founder Dr Catherine Hamlin were in the highest ranks.

Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, Clean Up Australia founder Ian Kiernan, scientist Dr Karl Kruszelnicki and Youth Off The Streets founder, Father Chris Riley were also among the most trusted.

Dr Charlie Teo

A regular favourite on the list, actor Hugh Jackman, featured in the Top 10 and the most trusted athlete was named as Libby Trickett at #18.

Our new GG, Sir Peter Cosgrove was a standout, bumping all the way up to 12th under his new title.

At the lower end of the list – politicians and business people. Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd came in at #76, Prime Minister Tony Abbott stood at #79. Entertainer, Rolf Harris was #80.

The country’s richest woman, Gina Reinhardt scored a lowsy #93 followed by the Catholic churches George Pell and radio host Kyle Sandilands.



What do you think of the list? Who do you think is the country’s most trustworthy Australian? 

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