“I’ve had a patient claim that amputations run in his family.”
We’ve all Googled our symptoms before, and chances are, the internet has probably told you you’re dying.
If you are female, secondary to imminent death, pregnancy is the most likely result. Pains in your gut? Pregnant. Sore left forearm? Pregnant. Runny nose? Pregnant. Headache and dizzy spells? Dying… and pregnant.
It is a dangerous rabbit-hole to venture down. Basically, you should never, ever do it and should always seek the help of a medical professional first. You’ll probably be fine, and if not you’ll be in the best position to seek appropriate attention.
But that’s not what some individuals do, they self-diagnose. They go to the doctor not for a professional medical opinion but for surgery, a prescription of Adderall or because they’re pretty sure they’re already dead.
Mr/Ms Eleventy12 over on Reddit had the most excellent idea of asking the doctors of the internet, “what was the MOST incorrect self-diagnosis you’ve encountered in your practice?”
The responses are equal parts hilarious and concerning. Here are just a few of the most absurd best.
8. Person who thought they had their wires crossed. Literally.
“Patient had diarrhea. It was yellow and liquid. The patient said there was something very wrong, and somehow the tubes got crossed inside of their body because the pee was coming out of their butt.”