
Annabel Crabb on why we desperately need more women in politics.

Well said, Crabb.

Do we need more women in Australian politics?

For those of us who care about little things like equality, fair representation and basic common sense, the answer is a resounding yes.

Political reporter and author Annabel Crabb is one of those people.

In fact, she’s made a name for herself by (among other things) always being a vocal advocate of women in politics.

And on last night’s Q&A, she once again made her argument eloquently and with good humour.

more women in politics
Annabel in action. Image via ABC.

During the show, host Viginia Trioli asked Crabb if she ever felt “conflicted” by encouraging women to enter politics, given how tough it could be.


Her response? Pure brilliance.

According to Crabb, while “the hardest is the first”, the next woman in the top job is also pretty damn important – which is why we absolutely need to be pushing for more women in politics.

Check out Annabel’s awesome argument here. Post continues after video.

Video via “ABC”

“The hardest is the first, right? And I think Julia Gillard said that when she was gently relieved from the prime ministership,” she said.

“She said ‘gender was not about everything that happened to me, it explained some of what happened to me’, and she also said it would be easier for the next person.

“Every now and then you hear people say, ‘Well, we’ve had one woman as a PM and it didn’t work out so it will never happen again’. I mean, people said that about you [Anna Bligh] too … but actually in Queensland, not only have you got another woman in the job but you’ve got, for the first time, a state cabinet which is more women than men.

“Which makes for some terribly awkward moments where you’ve got to push all the men up the front of the photographs — ‘Quick quick, where are the guys? Doesn’t look very balanced’ — which is, I think, a lovely moment.”

Thank you, Annabel Crabb. We think it’s a lovely moment, too.


Do you think we need more women in politics?


Want more? Try these:

Q&A just can’t catch a break.

Women in Aussie politics: “It’s a tough slog”.

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