
"Don't be afraid, it's my turn." James Blunt says goodbye to his dying dad in his new song.


James Blunt’s dad has stage four chronic kidney disease.

His kidneys are functioning at just 11 per cent.

He’s dying.

And in the musician’s new music video for Monsters, we see Blunt’s grief for his dad in raw, unbridled and devastatingly close proximity.

Here’s the first 30 seconds. Post continues after video.

Video via James Blunt

For anyone that’s ever lost someone they love, it’s uncomfortably familiar.

You know what, even if you’re lucky enough to have never lost a loved one, this film clip will still hit you in the heart.

Thanks to social media we’re used to people putting their emotions on display, but not like this.

This is different.

Monsters is a eulogy to James’s father, who is very much still alive.


Halfway through the emotional video, the camera pans away from just his face to reveal his dad Charles sitting beside him, comforting him.

Here are the first two verses and the chorus:

Oh, before they turn off all the lights
I won’t read you your wrongs or your rights
The time has gone
I’ll tell you goodnight, close the door
Tell you I love you once more
The time has gone
So here it is

I’m not your son, you’re not my father
We’re just two grown men saying goodbye
No need to forgive, no need to forget
I know your mistakes and you know mine
And while you’re sleeping, I’ll try to make you proud
So daddy, won’t you just close your eyes?
Don’t be afraid, it’s my turn
To chase the monsters away


Oh, well I’ll read a story to you
Only difference is this one is true
The time has gone
I folded your clothes on the chair
I hope you sleep well, don’t be scared
The time has gone
So here it is

Charles is currently on a kidney transplant list.

But he will probably die waiting.

The former cavalry officer in the 13th/18th Royal Hussars needs an O positive donor, but neither James or his sister are a match.

“The NHS has very strict criteria for who is at the top of the list and because of reasons of age and so on my father isn’t a priority,

“We have no complaint about that. It’s absolutely right that younger people are given a priority – that is the way it should be,” James told The Mirror.

During a recent appearance on Good Morning Britain, the musician made a plea to possible kidney donors: “I’ve come on here to ask you what blood group you are. Some things have been going on in my life that I needed to write about. My father has not been very well actually. He needs a new kidney. And he’s a kidney donor. And I’ve come on here to ask you what blood group you are. If you are an O-positive I’ll take it off you.”

His plea just before Christmas resulted in two people stepping forward to be tested as matches.

James Blunt GMB
James Blunt's plea on Good Morning Britain.

We're yet to hear the result of that selfless act, but James did tell Express: "It’s incredible of them to do so, and we’re hoping they might be a match. Things are proceeding in the right direction and I don’t know the answer yet but we’re keeping positive – touch wood."

Talking to Express, James explained that he wrote Monsters because he stumbles over normal words and certain conversations with his dad.

"It was hard when I first had to play the song to him and I stuck headphones on him, pressed play and walked out of the room.

"I was nervous about his reaction and I hoped he would take it in the right way, and afterwards, he put his hand on my knee. It was quite a moving moment between us," he said.



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I’ve shot a video for Monsters. A song for my wonderful father. And he’s in it. Out this Wednesday.

A post shared by James Blunt (@jamesblunt) on

James has performed the song in front of the Queen, with his dad in the audience, and credits it as being the most amazing moment of my life.

The 45-year-old is also former army, spending six years in service before becoming a musician and changing his last name from Blount to Blunt (for stage purposes). He is a father himself, sharing two young sons with his wife of seven years Sofia.


He's decided that for this single, all proceeds will go towards the Armed Forces' charities Help For Heroes and The British Legion.

In the interview with Express, James talked about how his dad's illness had brought him even closer to his family because "you realise that you don’t have much time, or as much time as you would like, with a parent".

Since releasing the song late last year, and the music video this month, James has been inundated with support.

Here are just some of the reactions on social media:

"Oh James, you keep breaking and fixing my heart at the same time. My dad passed away 4 years ago, I feel this song so much."

"This song has made me spend more time and energy with my parents. We get so mixed up in our own lives, sometimes we neglect those that gave us life initially. I love my parents for who they are and for the person they created in me. Even though I am a bit of a dick."

"I’m a counsellor and I work with many people who struggle with their grief. I lost my own Mum and brother within 5 months of each other and I know the deep sadness of saying goodbye to someone who’s still alive. Your video is a gift to us all, thank you."


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