
How I ended up driving a monster truck.

Monster Trucks
Thanks to our brand partner, Monster Trucks

When I was asked if I wanted to take my daughter Ruby to Wheatland, Missouri to see a monster truck show, I jumped at the chance. Ruby is 11 and I thought it might be the last girls’ trip we get to take together before puberty fully kicks in (and she becomes completely indifferent towards me).

After a long-haul flight and a two-hour drive, we finally arrived. It was then that I discovered that not only were we there to watch the monster truck show, but I would actually be driving the car from the upcoming Monster Trucks movie.

That included tackling logs, moguls, ramps and other obstacles. I must say, I was starting to sweat before they revealed that a stunt driver called Newt would be hidden in a compartment where the motor normally is, doing the actual driving. Crisis averted.

Or was it? During my safety briefing, I started to freak out a little more. They told me that if the car rolled, I must NOT stick my hands out. Wait, if the car ROLLS? At this point, I was beginning to question what I had signed myself up for, but I’m not one to turn down an adventure, so into the car I went.


"Newt would be hidden in a compartment where the motor normally is, doing the actual driving." Image: supplied.

The car was set up with GoPros and there were people with cameras positioned all around me to capture my drive, so it was time to put my somewhat lacking acting skills to the test.

I couldn’t quite reach the ignition and I could barely move the steering wheel or peddles, but there was no time to worry about that. I needed to convince everyone that I was in control.

The idea of the stunt was that I should act like I was driving slowly through the obstacle course, until suddenly the ‘truck’ took over and drove me through the course to give me a good scare.

I did my best to look like I was freaked out, but I was having such a great time that I laughed the whole way through. I just couldn’t hide what a great time I was having. Sorry, Newt!


There was at least one person who fell for it, though. Ruby, who had no idea what was about to happen, instantly thought I was the coolest mum ever – which is no easy feat!

"I just couldn’t hide what a great time I was having." Image: Supplied.

We were lucky enough to watch a variety of trucks that day, including our mutual favourite: The Raminator. It holds the world record as the fastest monster truck, so naturally we hoped we’d backed a winner.


Among the array of stunts we got to see, there was an attraction we were awaiting eagerly: The aptly-named Megasaurus. We didn’t have to wait long before it emerged from something that resembled a space tank and proceeded to spew out fire. Lots of it.

When it was done breathing spectacular flames, it leisurely chewed a car in half. Ruby was awe-struck. She wouldn’t turn her back to it for me to take a picture until it had stopped moving.


The face of someone who just saw a car chewed in half.  Image: supplied.

Between every monster truck event that day, the truck featured in the film Monster Trucks would come out with a fan or actor inside who would do the same thing I had done earlier (admittedly, with slightly more success).

The movie monster truck would go around the pace way a couple of times and they projected the GoPro footage on the jumbotron, so we could all see their reaction. It was a stunt that could be thoroughly enjoyed just as much from the viewers’ perspective as it could for a participant.

Oh, and did I mention that The Raminator won? Ruby and I sure have a way of picking out the champions.

Sadly, before we knew it, our monster truck adventure was over and we had to start making our way back to Sydney.

It was such an incredible experience filled with enough surprises to last us a while. The best part is that when we start missing the monster trucks of Wheatland, Missouri, we can always relive our memories with a trip to the cinema. Needless to say, I can’t wait to take Ruby to see Monster Trucks when it comes out on January 12.

How are you the coolest mum ever?

This post was written thanks to our brand partner Monster Trucks.

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