
Mollie went to the hospital for a c-section. She had her eyebrows done instead.

Only a beauty blogger could find a way to maintain her brows while in hospital.

Beauty blogger Mollie Makeup made unusually good use of her spare time after her scheduled c-section was delayed.

“But of course, nothing with babies ever goes to plan,” she said.

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The operation was intended to have gone ahead in the morning but had to be rescheduled due to the high demand.

"I arrived here probably 10:30, 11 o'clock to have a caesar and no - that's not happening. It's currently a quarter to 11," she said. "And apparently, it's so busy, they can't fit me in at the moment."

The soon-to-be mum joked about her fat feet as she recorded her horizontal piece-to-camera. She had previously posted an image of her feet to her Facebook page with an excited caption:

"GOODBYE fat feet! We're off to have a baby. Next time I see you, I hope you're back to your regular, un-pillow-like state. Please," she wrote.

It seems her feet like her baby-to-be, just aren't ready to budge.

You can visit Mollie's website here and follow her on Facebook and TwitterYou can also read the first of Mollie's nine-week series about juggling a newborn and a new beauty regime here

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