
Mojgan Shamsalipoor has been released from immigration detention, but she still isn't free.

In September 2016, after two years separated from her husband and an exhaustive community campaign, Iranian asylum seeker Mojgan Shamsalipoor was finally released from immigration detention into the loving arms of her family and friends in Brisbane.

It was a rare moment of pure joy for the 23-year-old, who fled her home half a decade ago after being raped and beaten by her violent stepfather and offered as a bride to a man in his late 50s.

When Mojgan first arrived in Australia in 2012, she was allowed to live in the community while the Government considered her request for ongoing protection.

Mojgan is free today! She has been released on a bridging visa. More details to come!

Posted by Free Mojgan on Tuesday, 20 September 2016

She found sanctuary in a local high school, and at a youth camp met the love of her life and future husband, a young Iranian refugee named Milad Jafari.

“From that moment, I saw her eyes, I went, ‘This is it’. I couldn’t talk. I was like, ‘Wow’,” Milad told the ABC’s Australian Story program, which aired its second episode dedicated to the couple’s plight last night.

“We were so happy before all these things happened.”

Mojgan Shamsalipoor and Milad Jafari. Source: Facebook/Australian Story

The couple married, moved in together and became much-loved members of Brisbane's Yeronga State High School community as they planned their future together in safety.

For a brief period, life for Mojgan was good and as her trauma slowly began to subside, her growing happiness was palpable to her teachers and fellow students.

But in 2015, just months before completing her HSC, her temporary bridging visa was revoked and she was locked up — first in Brisbane and then in Darwin.


There were protests, petitions and a galvanising social media campaign, which spread under the hashtag #FreeMojgan.

It's now been six months since Mojgan was unexpectedly released back into the community, but she is still far from 'free'.

As her lawyer Kevin Kadirgamar, though elated, told the ABC at the time, the three-month bridging visa she was granted cast "a shadow of uncertainty over her future" -- one which has not lifted, despite now being on her second visa.

Mojgan and Milad's "Christmas miracle" was another three-months together. Source: Facebook

"It's not the end of the journey because she's still not free; she's living in our community but it's on borrowed time," Deputy principal of Yeronga State High School and champion of her case, Jessica Walker, told Australian Story.

"The unknown is not a nice thing to live with."

Mojgan & Milad on Valentines Day - this beautiful couple are going from strength to strength! We look forward to the day they can live together in true freedom as Australian Citizens.

Posted by Free Mojgan on Friday, 17 February 2017

For their part, Mojgan — who says she wants to be a midwife — and Milad are trying to make the best of things, while still dreaming of a life together as permanent residents in Australia.

"Sometimes I've forgotten where I am and what has happened to me, but when it comes back to me, I close my eyes for a second and I say, 'Hopefully it's not a dream'," she told Australian Story.

You can watch the full episode of Australian Story on ABC iview and find updates on Mojgan's story via the Free Mojgan Facebook page.

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