
The Modern Mumma wrote a viral blog post. Then someone ripped it off.

Mel Watts is an Australian blogger based on the Central Coast of NSW.

Earlier this week, Mel wrote a heartfelt post about how her relationship with her husband has changed since she had children.

Titled, ‘Husband. Wife. Roommates?’ Mel’s emotional writing struck a chord and her post went viral.

It was shared by ten of thousands of people across her blog, Facebook and Instagram. It was picked up by news outlets, including Mamamia who republished the post with full permission from Mel.

She writes, “I write this from a very raw part of my heart. The other night I lay there crying for unknown reasons [okay, maybe not unknown – the utero was having it’s monthly party] as I tried to go to sleep.

“He was snoring his busy week away and I was wide awake thinking of all the things we used to do. How different we use to be. I was mad at him for changing. I was mad at myself for changing. It is no ones fault. Its just a moment in our life where I can say – it’s not all roses and handcuffs.

“The long date nights have gone.

“The sleep-ins are non existent.

“The surprise weekends away, we can no longer afford them.”

Last night a UK-based Marketing Director, Cassy Smith allegedly lifted Mel’s post and shared it on her public facebook profile without crediting her.

Mel Watts told Mamamia, “It’s so upsetting to think someone can steal this.

“Not only because it was taken from me but it had been shared by this ladies account with thousands of other people congratulating her and thanking her for writing this.


“I wrote this blog for everyone to enjoy. Did I expect it to go viral, No. This blog was written with so much love and tears that I feel a little ripped off.”

The uncredited post has been shared almost 1500 times.

Some of the comments from Mel Watts' followers. Image: screenshot Facebook.

"Unfortunately this is what happens in social media world," Mel told Mamamia.

"People take things all the time and don’t credit the respected owner."

"I have personally screen shotted a photo and posted it to then have the owner ask for me to tag them and credit them. Which I have always done."

Mel says she has been in touch with Cassy Smith and asked her remove or credit the post.

"I’m still hoping it [the uncredited post] will either be removed or credited back to myself. Other actions have been spoken of and though I wouldn’t want to take this further, if I have to I will."

Mel has not yet had a response.

"I’m always happy for people to share things and comment on things. I always happy for people to feel like they feel the same. That's what blogging is about connecting with others. But copying and pasting someones stuff and taking credit is just mean. "

Mamamia reached out to Cassy Smith, but had not received a response by the time of publication.

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