
"I got major makeup envy watching My Kitchen Rules last night."

Image: Channel Seven.

Hunger is the overwhelming feeling I am used to while watching My Kitchen Rules. Hunger, and a sense of inadequacy over my own cooking skills. I need to cook better food, different food, I need to plate up better, wow I love her dress (an occasional departure from my usual food focus). Last night though, I felt something I have never felt before while watching MKR.

Make up envy. Perfume envy. Lipstick envy. Complete cosmetic products envy.

In was during the seemingly unimportant opening sequence to last night’s episode that I caught a glimpse of this.

Image: Channel Seven


And if that wasn’t bad enough, I was then hit with this.

Image: Channel Seven



I want it I want it I want it. I want it all. I want her makeup and perfume (and apartment and hair and wardrobe). 

All of this belongs to the beautiful Zana, one half of glamour couple Zana, 24 and Gianni, 27, both lawyers who live in Victoria and describe themselves as “high achievers.”

This is what my makeup looks like.

Image: supplied.


Zana and Gianni were in the first group of teams to compete and Zana was edited to be the token mean girl, owing to her tendency to use weird facial expressions to express her disdain for certain foods throughout the competition. When she and husband Gianni cooked last night, everyone was wondering if she could even cook.

Damn, girl could cook all right and Zana and Gianni not only avoided elimination but are on top of the leader board with a score of 97! (WATCH: We go on a date with MKR judge, Manu Fiedel. Post continues after video.)

During her pre-show interview Zana listed her interests as, “Fitness, shopping, fashion, cars”. And it shows. She always looks incredible.

They are obviously living a pretty good life. Judging from her makeup and perfume display, they are living a VERY good life.

She told MKR that she’s aimed high ever since she was young.

"Ever since primary school I wanted to be the captain of everything. I always worked so hard. I was naturally not intelligent. I struggled when I went to high school; I was very behind in school and worked my butt off. My careers counsellor told my mum I wouldn’t be capable of achieving the scores to become a lawyer and that’s when I put my head down and didn’t stop studying. I’m the type of person that if I say I’m going to do something, I’ll do it no matter what."


Oh my gosh, I couldn’t love this girl more.

Now, back to her insane makeup display. (Post continues after gallery.)

Her makeup is clearly expensive and well-looked-after. Her choice of display is beautiful and practical. If I woke up to a vanity area like that every morning I’d be one happy person.

I’ve always suspected that if I could sort out my home life and be more organised it would help me to be more organised and successful in other ways. If a girl’s makeup storage is a sign of how she lives and future success, Zana is completely on track and I clearly have work some work to do.

I asked the girls in the office to show me their makeup and only Sarah fessed up. Everyone else fell deathly silent.

Image: supplied.


Considering the fact that I wear makeup every day you think I’d have a semi-professional set up instead of a crappy bag filled with crappy makeup that I throw in the cupboard in between uses. 

What I need to do is clean it all up, invest in some really good makeup and then display it lovingly in a way that makes it clear I adore makeup. I love everything about it. Then everything else will fall into place.

I have no doubt that Zara and Gianni are going to go far in this competition. They are definitely a team to watch.

How do you store your makeup?

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