
13 place names you have been mispronouncing your entire life.

To fully understand the gravity of this situation, you need to say these out aloud…

Here’s an existential thought for you – how do you know if the way you’ve been pronouncing Bangkok is the correct way?

Because as we’re about to show you, you might have been saying it all wrong.

Don’t freak out – it’s probably not your fault.

Because really, our first teachers are our parents and from there we are taught by our teachers and take us from kindergarten through to university and beyond. So if, like me, for 40-plus years, NOONE has taught you the correct way to say ‘Dubai’ for instance, how are we to know?

I hear foreigners pronouncing ‘Melbourne’ incorrectly all the time. They are often heavy on the Mel-BORNE. when in fact, as Australians, we know they should say ‘Mel-bun‘. It’s all about the intonation, emphasis and accent … so I guess it’s not such a stretch to find we all can sometimes get it very, very wrong.

mispronounced places
Starting to make sense? Image via


According to, we have been pronouncing a bunch of places wrong our whole lives.

To fully understand the gravity of this situation, you need to say these out aloud:

Have we blown your mind? Our whole lives we’ve been getting about dropping these places into conversations and have been getting them completely wrong.

Or have we? We’d love to hear what you think, especially if you are aware of any destinations that are being pronounced completely wrong and you’d like to set the record straight.

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