Hijab, turban, veil, headscarf, khimar, towel head, that bed sheet wrapped around her face, that thingy thing? THIS for me and all other Muslimah Queens worldwide is our CROWN. Yaasss, you heard right! It’s much more beautiful, more powerful, more valuable and worth more than any Crown a princess could come across. Just like a rose blooming and blossoming on a beautiful summer’s day.
For those who are unaware, hijab is not only about covering our hair; it is also involves the way we dress, the manner in how we choose to conduct ourselves in our daily lives and much more. However today I am talking in relation to hijab that involves Muslim women covering their hair.
For me like many others, not only is wearing our scarf to please Allah, to protect and hide our beauty, it is also a reminder. Hijab is our identity, our scarf shows everyone no matter where we are in public, that YES I am Muslim and proud. It’s a reminder to us while wearing our scarf to not only dress a certain way, but a reminder that we must act a certain way and not let our ego or negativity get the better of us.
I think us hijabis can all agree that two of the most commonly asked questions we are sick of hearing are: “Why do you wear that on your head, you’re covering your beautiful hair?” and “Don’t you feel hot wearing that on your head?”. Honestly, no, we don’t feel hot wearing our hijab. I myself know this for sure! I remember recently before putting my scarf back on those horrible days where I had spent TIMEEEE styling my hair, having it down and when the weather was super hot I would get sweaty and my hair would stick to the back of my neck.
Now I can tie all my hair in a bu, drape my scarf over my hair while that cool breeze touches my neck; OH SO MUCH more comfortable! Plus NO BAD HAIR DAYS. HOLLLAAAAA!