real life

Women share the insensitive comments they received after a miscarriage.

A new video by U.K. pregnancy charity, Tommy’s, is asking women to share the insensitive and hurtful comments they have received after suffering a miscarriage.

The 30 second clip was made towards the end of 2015 and is a part of a campaign called #miscourage which was formulated to end the secretive nature of miscarriage and to encourage women (and society) to be open when discussing the taboo subject publicly.

“Despite one in four pregnancies ending in miscarriage, the silence around the subject means that many women who have lost babies harbour unexpressed feelings of failure, isolation and guilt,” Tommy’s says.

WATCH the video below. Post continues after video… 

Video via Tommy's

The campaign also aims to change the current legislation in the U.K. which states that women must experience the emotional and physical trauma of miscarriage on three consecutive occasions before their fertility is investigated by a specialist.

Currently it is estimated that 20 per cent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage but for some reason despite it being so common, women (and men) are still uncomfortable openly discussing the issue.

In putting together the video, Tommy’s undertook research into miscarriage statistics and took the time to speak to women about their experiences. Throughout this research (which included over 6000 women) they found that 70 per cent of women who had suffered from miscarriage described their feelings as being “guilty” and 79 per cent said that they felt like “a failure” for having lost their baby.

Image via iStock "It happened for a reason." Image via Tommy's.

The video itself has no sound, which allows you to focus on the white script drawn across an outline of a pregnant woman's belly. Phrases like "At least you can get pregnant", "It wasn't meant to be" and "At least it happened early"  were among some of the most common reactions women experienced.


This week, as part of Never Forgotten: Mamamia's Pregnancy Loss Awareness Week we're remembering the babies we've lost. Post continues below.

As yet another women who has experienced miscarriage first hand, these comments can be heart breaking. It's true that like so many awkward occasions in life, people just might not know the right thing to say, and that's not their fault but in pregnancy. A loss is a loss no matter how early or how it might be seen by some to be "for the best".

Women don't need to feel guilty or "like a failure" on top of all the other emotions that go with miscarriage, especially when so many of us know the pain.

Have you ever suffered a miscarriage? Did you receive insensitive comments? 

If this has post raised any issues for you or if you would like to speak with someone, please contact the Sands Australia 24 hour support line on 1300 072 637.

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