
Miriam Margolyes calls Prime Minister Tony Abbott a 'tit' on Q&A.

Finally, someone said what so many of us are thinking. On national television.

Last night’s Q&A — which featured our very own editor-in-chief Jamila Rizvi on the panel– was full of great political discussion.

But one crowning moment of the popular ABC program was when an audience member asked Harry Potter actress Miriam Margolyes to sum up Prime Minister Tony Abbott in a single word.

Miriam Margoyles on Q and A last night. (Screenshot via ABC)


Margolyes got straight to the point – and she did not hold back.

“I think he’s a tit,” she said.

“Ten points to Hufflepuff,” Jamila responded.

Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg was quick to defend his boss.

“Tony Abbott, if you want to have one word… is decent. He’s a decent person,” Mr Frydenberg said.

Mamamia editor-in-chief Jamila on the program last night.


But, as Jamila was even faster to point out, decent is not good enough.

“I don’t want a decent guy as my Prime Minister, I want someone who is phenomenal,” she said. “I want one of the best brains in the country.”

“I want someone who can communicate the message for what they want to do. I want someone who has a vision for Australia,” Rizvi continued.

“It’s awesome that he’s a great volunteer in his local electorate – he should go back and do some more of that.”

Related content: The latest polls may have just given Tony Abbott a lifeline.

Not bad for Professor Sprout’s (and Jamila’s) Q and A debut.

Related content: Jamila is appearing on Q&A.

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