
The questions we have for Miranda Kerr after her latest Instagram picture.

It’s a little strange for a lot of reasons.

Miranda Kerr isn’t a newbie to Instagram. And usually the pictures she shares are relatively self explanatory.

But Kerr’s latest snap has caused us to have so. Many. Questions.

Kerr shared the below image of her ‘indulging’ in a burger and chips. She captioned the image with, “After show indulgence… It’s all about a balance #80/20rule”.

Image via Instagram.

Okay thanks for that Miranda, but here are our questions:

1. Why are you eating a burger seemingly naked?

Kerr doesn't appear to be wearing any clothes while she gorges on her burger. At first we though she may have been but what we thought was clothing appears to be the couch.

2. Why are you pulling the sexy face while sucking on a bit of beef?

Last time we checked, there wasn't anything really attractive about grain fed rump steak. But hey you're a model, so we guess you can do what you want.

3. Who is the creepy guy with the phone in the back?

Can't see him? That guy right there with the iPhone. Who are you? Is that your wine on the table? Why are you looking a bit creep? Are you taking a photo of a maybe-naked Miranda?

4. Who took the picture?

Who is Kerr so happy to pose for as she sucks seductively on that bit of beef.

5. Are those two plates for you?

Are you going to eat both of those servings? Or is that plate for someone else? If so, why haven't they started eating when Kerr is half way?

6. What is the 80/20 rule?

Do you mean 80% healthy food, 20% junk food? Or 80% diet, 20% exercise? Or 80% exercise, 20% rest?

Help a gal out Miranda because we're seriously confused.

Do you have any questions about the photo?

CLICK THROUGH some of her Miranda Kerr's best family happy snaps...

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