
Look at this Milkybar and tell us: do you see a penis or a horse?


A London man has expressed his disgust after unwrapping a Milky Bar while watching the World Cup final, only to find that it depicted an image of a penis.

But, did it?

Here’s the confectionary design in question:

31-year-old Robin Jacobs told Metro:

‘I’m normally a Cadbury man but I decided to give the Milkybar a go and look what happened.

‘It’s a completely inappropriate picture. The penis in question is even bigger than the child – surely the people making the bar can see what it looks like.

‘I still ate it but I was a little put off. I don’t understand why it is there.’

He added: ‘I always have a way of remembering World Cups and now the 2014 World Cup will always be remembered as the “Milky Bar penis” – it’s not a great way to remember it.’

What, not as the World Cup in which your team performed the worst it ever has in a major tournament?

Nestle has been quick to apologise for any distress caused, but definitely not for the chocolate bar’s design, which they maintain is strictly equine.

They told The Huffington Post:

Nestlé is surprised and sorry to hear that Mr. Jacobs thought the picture on the Milkybar resembles male genitalia, it is in fact an image of a horse’s head, the Milkybar Kid’s horse. There was no intention to mislead or depict anything offensive on our product and we apologise for any confusion or embarrassment this may have caused.

So, over to you: is this a penis or a horse?

If you’re struggling to make up your mind, here are some things that look like penises:

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