
Thinking of taking your kids to see Miley? Do this first. Please.

Before you click on tickets to the latest big event concert coming to Australia, maybe watch a few film clips.

I don’t want to alarm you, but she’s on her way.

As we speak, Miley Cyrus is cramming her giant foam finger and her fishnet onesie into her carry-on and she’s heading to Australia.

Which means  a small person, likely female, might be begging you to get online and buy them a ticket. You know, that little person who still likes to dance around the lounge room to Party In The USA.

Miley Cyrus

But if you're still trying to decide if Miley's stadium gig would be a good option for Annabelle's 11th birthday party, let me give you a heads-up.

Things have changed on Hannah Montana island. In case you've been trapped under something heavy for the last 12 months, here's what goes on at the "Bangerz" tour that she's bringing to Australia, according to

"Twerking (and if you don't know what that is, we probably shouldn't be having this conversation), humping, straddling a hot dog, pretending to give oral sex to a Bill Clinton lookalike, and miming pleasuring herself - all in eye-wateringly skimpy outfits decorated with marijuana leaves."

I wanted to get that out there because - before we cut to October and hordes of outraged parents walking out of the Miley Cyrus show, trying to scrub their eyeballs with bleach - you should know that this concert is not G-rated. Many, many parents have found that out on the US leg of the tour, where Cyrus's management have been bombarded with complaints.

In her bid to 'transition' from a loveable Disney songbird to a bad-ass club-pop princeess, Miley shredded every pair of pants she owned a year ago. Every opportunity she gets, she will tell you and her army of social media fans how much she loves smoking weed, and dancing with Molly (it's a drug, people), and all-night orgies and teddy bears, and God and her family. Not at all confusing for young minds.

But here's the thing, Miley is all grown-up, but the young girls still love her music. My daughter is only four-and-a-half, but the main reason we don't put Channel V on at home is because I know - I know - that if she got an eyeful of Miley swinging around on that wrecking ball, she would think she was coooooool. "Who's that lady, Mummy?"


In the US, a five-year-old fan at one concert was happy to tell an interviewer, "She's pretty, and I like her hair," and, "She dances good. I like it when she twerks." The little fan added that she loved to twerk, too, "but we tell her it's not for outside," added her mum, hastily.

So would you take your pop-obsessed child to the Miley show? In my circles, the jury is out.

One friend, mother of a pop-loving 8 year-old girl, says: "No. Too skanky. I would take her to Katy Perry or Gaga. Better role models, as they are not in nasty pap shots all the time looking drugged up and dressing like a ho."

Miley Cyrus

But another, who did take her daughter to see Miley on her last tour, when she was more family-friendly, says, "If she wanted to go I'd take her." And what would she say about the foam-finger-fiddling? "I'd say she was trying to shock everyone, and it's working. I'd also find a way to say that you don't need to do that sort of thing to be liked."

It seems the key here is to know what you're in for. If you're thinking of taking your child to see a show - whether it's Bieber or Usher or 1D or Katy Perry, or, yes, Miley Cyrus -  watch a few film clips first. And if you don't like what's in them, don't take your children to the concert. Because it will be more of the same.

But the question remains. If 10 year-old girls don't get to go to Miley Cyrus concerts any more, who does?

Teenage girls. And that's a whole other conversation...

So, would you take your child to see Miley Cyrus?

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