
FLUFF: Mila Kunis adorably confirms she's pregnant and hungry.








Mila Kunis is trying to stage the world’s most public secret pregnancy.

The 30-year-old actress has acknowledged that she is definitely-definitely pregnant with her fiance Ashton Kutcher‘s baby. But the uber-famous actor-people couple have decided to keep most other details completely private. We don’t know how pregnant Mila is, when she’s due, what she’s having or how long she was pregnant before the world figured it out.

She does say she was able to keep the pregnancy and her engagement to Ashton a secret for months longer than they expected. Which, if you look at how ferociously hounded by the paparazzi they are at all times, is actually pretty impressive.

Oh, and Mila has some pretty hilarious Pregnancy Craving anecdotes.

Here she is, with a basket full of pickles and a heart full of baby-expecting love, talking to our favourite talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres.

We’ve gotta say, Ashton sounds like he’s earning many Future Daddy points with all this craving catering. Anyone else feel like a pickle now?

This is what Mila told Ellen about Ashton’s fridge supply romance:

“He assumed that I was going to have goofy cravings, so he stocked our secondary fridge with weird food.

Just in case at one point during this pregnancy I’d be like ‘I really want something’. And it happened last week, I was like ‘Oh my God, I need a pickle.’ Like it was just the weirdest thing. I needed this pickle and he was like, ‘Hold on a second’ and disappeared in the backyard and came back with the most amazing dill pickle of all time.”

Beyond the cuteness that is Mila and Ashton.

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