
Your personality could be making you gain weight.

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A new study has found that our personality (or rather, certain traits within our personality) impact the relationship we have with food and the choices we make when it comes to our nutrition.

The research, published an article in health journal, Appetite, found that extroverted people tend to consume more food than introverted individuals as a result of external factors like smell and taste. Because of this, they’re more susceptible to poor choices, like sugar-laden treats.

People with neurotic tendencies were found to eat more foods which are higher in calories as a possible means to manage their negative feelings.

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Those of us who were found to be lacking in conscientiousness were at a much higher risk of making impulse decisions and failing at self-restraint when it comes to food choices. (Post continues after gallery.)

Carmen Keller, one of the researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology who carried out the study, told NY magazine: “We found that a person’s personality does, in fact, determine why he or she eats and what he or she eats.”

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For the study, 1000 participants were asked questions related to personality, eating habits and food choices. Their answers were then used in conjunction with the five basic dimensions of personality; openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism, to determine whether a person’s deep-seeded traits are in some way linked with their food habits.

It's ok, I have neurotic tendencies. Image via istock

So it seems your willpower and eating habits can, in part, be blamed on your personality. However don't despair, the study also notes that pinpointing your personality weaknesses are beneficial for knowing how to control your food choices.

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