
Dear Michelle from Married At First Sight: It's time to let Jesse go.

Dear Michelle,

I’m writing to you on behalf of Australia to ask that you let poor Jesse go.

It’s time. We can’t take much more of this.

He needs to get back to the fruit shop. The apples and the oranges and the fresh food market girls are missing him.

We recap the latest episode of Married At First Sight. 

They really love him and it’s obvious that you don’t. You’re just not that into him or his constant farting and that’s OK. You don’t have to be into every bloke you fake marry on a reality TV show.

It’s OK to admit you gave it a go and even with his new fake tan, he’s just not the guy for you.

You’ve already admitted that you have no chemistry and that you’ll never have what Sharon and Nick have. So… why are you STILL there?

It’s getting harder and harder to watch Jesse awkwardly stumble through each episode. To go through the home trips, the dinner parties, and the commitment ceremonies, and God knows what else, knowing that you’re just not that keen.

Do no mutual feelings mean the end for Jesse and Michelle? #9Married

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In the past five weeks, we’ve seen Jesse transform from a cocky fruit shop guy who winked at girls over towering piles of avocados, to the kind of guy who stares listlessly at animals in the zoo.

He just can’t think of anything to say to you. And when he does talk no one really understands what he’s saying. Not even him.

Jesse needs your help, Michelle. You need to set him free.

What DID I just say? Image vie Channel Nine.

We know you're a twin and with that comes all sorts of twin responsibility and competitiveness, but we think it's time you admit that Sharon won this one.

You can escape now, head back to Perth and meet the man of your dreams the old fashioned way - like on Tinder or through that mixed netball team you're in.

And Jesse can head back to Adelaide and poo with the door open whenever he likes.

You said to Jesse in the last commitment ceremony that he will make someone very happy one day. He will. But so will you. It's time for you to let him go so he can find that someone.

So for the sake of the fruit shop, the animals at the zoo, his restrained farts, and the whole of Australia, please, please let Jesse go.

You both deserve better than being stuck in this limbo. And we can't take much more of it.

Do you agree, does Michelle need to say "leave" at this week's commitment ceremony?

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