
Michelle Bridges is "pissed off" about her weight gain after her "horrific" TBL experience.

Image: Channel 10.

The Biggest Loser‘s four super-fit trainers have stepped onto the scales after a week of eating like their assigned families — and one of them is particularly unhappy with the results.

Michelle Bridges was last to be weighed on last night’s episode, and the reason for this quickly became clear: the 12 Week Body Transformation founder had gained almost eight kilograms over the seven days. This was more than her fellow trainers Steve ‘Commando’ Willis, Tiffiny Hall and Shannan Ponton.

The 44-year-old didn’t conceal her frustration. “As you can tell, I’m pretty pissed off,” she told her team.

During her week with the Jofres, Bridges joined them for meals like soft drink, sugary cereal, ice cream and leftover pizza for breakfast, and a burrito “the size of a newborn” for lunch. At one point she dissolved into tears, telling the family, “I cant believe you eat like this. This is really awful.”

Last night, she described that experience as “horrific”. “I know I’ve put weight on… I’m going in this weigh-in thinking, ‘I’m going last, I know why, I’ll bet I’ve put the most weight on’,” she said, clearly disgruntled.

Bridges was driven to tears by her family's eating habits.


"I've got these guys under my wing, and I'm leading from the front. Now not only have I got to get the weight off them, but I've got to get it off myself as well."

Bridges wasn't alone in her weight gain — Ponton went from 87.3kg to 92.6kg and Hall gained four and a half kilos. Commando, who is Bridges' partner off-screen, also put on more than seven kilograms. "I've got you guys in my sights," he told his family.

In many ways, their frustration is understandable. All four trainers are clearly health-conscious and work hard to keep their weight within a certain range — they've even made careers of this.


The point of this exercise was obviously to demonstrate how an unbalanced diet can affect your health in a physical sense. However, you have to wonder how the contestants feel about the way the trainers have reacted.

As we've discussed previously, there's an element of food shaming in asking four super-fit people to submit themselves to their team's diet, and to then document all the 'awful' (or "horrific" in this instance) outcomes. Now, it seems they've strayed into weight shaming territory. (Post continues after gallery.)

When Bridges says she feels "pissed off" because she's now seven kilograms heavier than usual, this suggests being heavier is something that warrants anger.

How inspiring can that be for someone who's trying to move forward overhaul their lifestyle? Isn't this program all about educating and empowering people, rather than dwelling on how terrible their current lifestyle is?

As accredited practising dietitian Nicole Senior recently told The Glow, people need a lot of self confidence and self belief to change their lifestyle and behaviour. Making them feel ashamed of the food they eat, or telling them how awful it is to carry extra weight, surely isn't confidence-bolstering — or motivating.

“To have someone who you know is at peak fitness and health to be eating badly on purpose for a week, I don’t know how inspiring that is," Senior added.

Hopefully from here on in, TBL Families will move away from scrutinising its contestants' weight, and focus on education and spreading positive messages about the importance of health.

What did you think of last night's episode?

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