
Michelle Bridges accused of endangering her pregnancy.

Fitness guru and currently pregnant Michelle Bridges, 44, has sparked serious controversy on her Instagram account.

All it took is for the Australian celebrity, who is holidaying in Tahiti with her partner, Steve Willis, 39, sharing a picture of the pair jumping off a pier into the water.

Almost instantaneously, followers began to question the safety of such an act for Bridges‘ unborn child.

The photo that caused the storm. (Image via Instagram)

It was sparked by one commenter questioning, "Should she be doing that?" to which another responded, "Yeah I agree. Not sure I would be doing that."

Others followers of Bridges immediately jumped to her defence, accusing their fellow commenters of bullying:

"Is it really any of your business?????? Stop trying to shame her... She's just jumping into some water. Go take your useless comments elsewhere because bullying is not okay," one wrote.

"Why shouldn't she be doing that? She's pregnant that doesn't mean you stop living your life and enjoying things! Loving your baby bump, it's the cutest little bump," commented another.

In response, the initial commenter who began the commotion wrote, "Bullying - you are the bully. How dare you shame me for having an opinion! If she didn't want to make it other people's business then she wouldn't post the picture. It's merely an opinion. Your angry vicious comment is useless and used only as a means to shame me."

TAP on the image below and scroll through the gallery for more of Michelle and Steve's holiday in Tahiti. Post continues after gallery...

Yet Bridges' followers still continued to fight for the newly pregnant celebrity, commenting:

"For the 'pregnancy experts' here do you really think she would be doing anything that would hurt her baby? Go and get your degrees to be obstetricians or just keep your so-called expert views to yourself," a commenter suggested.

"Every time Michelle posts a picture where she seems to be doing ANYTHING while pregnant, she gets these judgmental comments on what she should or shouldn't be doing... It's no ones business but hers and the comments have gone on for too long to just be simple peoples opinions. It's ridiculous," another noted.

Bridges herself is yet to make comment on the incident.

Do you think what Michelle Bridges is doing is unsafe?

WATCH the video below for a day in the life of Michelle Bridges...

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