Have you heard? Little girls are making YouTube videos pleading with strangers to pass judgement on their looks.
“Am I ugly or pretty, be honest,” they ask timidly. “People tell me I’m ugly. So tell me – am I?” whispers one girl. “All my friends say ‘you’re so pretty’, but I kinda think I’m ugly, so I wanna know what you guys think,” explains another.
It’s heart-breaking and yet I’m not remotely shocked or surprised.
Because we did this.
We’ve created a generation of girls who believe firmly that their value as a person is indexed directly to their appearance. That their hotness determines their worth. And they’re force-fed this message from such an early age that it drowns out everything else we try to do as parents.
Sometimes I feel like I am human shield, standing in front of my 7-year-old daughter, trying to protect her from the tsunami of images and ideas coming at her about what it means to be a girl and a woman.
This week was one of those times.
It started on Sunday morning when I accidentally flicked the channel past a music video show and saw this:
My daughter was not in the room but she could have been. Music videos are banned in my house but she is old enough to use the remote control and she could have easily stumbled upon it.