
Mia Freedman: "I feel Mumsy. CUT MY HAIR AND MAKE ME COOLER."

Image: Tea is essential for any big hair change…

Like most women, my relationship with my hair is all about FEELINGS. When my daughter was younger, she used to wake up some mornings shouting at her hair. “Stop doing that!” she would shout. “Get out of my face! I hate you!”

I do exactly the same thing from time to time, except I do it in my head.

Diary of a chop: Mia Freedman

The past week has been one of those times. My hair has ventured into that ugh-zone which is, for me, the waste-land between my chin and my shoulders. I’ve felt very blah. Very old. Very MUMSY. Stale. Like my outsides were not matching my insides.

When I did my usual wash-and-go, my hair looked like this:

Which is fine at the beach on holidays. Less fine when life returns to normal and I'm back in the office when it wasn't looking beachy, just scraggly.

Even when it was done professionally (or I bothered to blow-dry it), it still wasn't making me happy. Here is an ad I shot for HP Stream in January when a lovely hairdresser carefully blow dried and fussed with my hair for the 4 hours it took to make the commercial.


So I made an emergency appointment with my hairdresser via text.

"I feel Mumsy. Need a chop. Want to look more edgy. Less 43. Should I get a bit shaved? Go short? Go longer? Go pink? HELP ME JAYE I NEED YOU TO HELP ME."

Mia Freedman reveals the worst haircut of her life.

This is how it went down when I got into the chair 48 hours ago:

And this is what happened next:

And here it is back to wash-and-go two days after it was cut:

I feel intensely relieved. Lighter. Bouncier. Younger. More myself.

Means I now have another instalment into the annals of my hair history:

Have you had a major hair change lately? We want to know about it. Get in touch:

You can book an appointment with Jaye Edwards or one of his talented team at Edwards and Co. here

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