
News in 5: Mum's loss of "perfect" baby; MH370 final report; Netflix backs Aziz Ansari.

1. Sydney mum’s devastation after losing her “perfect” baby boy after her c-section was allegedly cancelled.

First-time mum Paige Scott says she was thrilled to be expecting twins, but after a planned c-section was cancelled she only brought one crying baby home from the hospital.

The Sydney mum is now suing Westmead Hospital over the loss of her son, Hudson, in April 2016.

Paige told Nine News that her medical conditions – Type 1 diabetes and an auto-immune disorder – meant she was closely monitored throughout her pregnancy. The plan was also that she would not carry to full term.

After a 33-week ultrasound picked up that her unborn son’s placenta may not be functioning as well as his sister’s, Paige was admitted to hospital.

More than a week into her hospital stay she claimed she was told that she would undergo a caesarean the next morning because Hudson could be at risk.

However, Paige said that at midday she was told her operation would be delayed.

Paige claimed she had reassurance from staff her baby boy was only sleeping, but she had a bad feeling.

“They kept telling me that he was just sleeping – and I kept saying no, he’s not moving… I can’t feel him,” she told Nine News.

The next morning a monitor could find no heartbeat for Hudson. Paige delivered her son and twin sister Tahlee.

“Hudson came out looking like a perfect baby,” she said.

A spokesperson for Western Sydney Local Health District told Nine News it extended its condolences to the family, but would not comment on the details of the case.


Almost one in 100 pregnancies that reach 20 weeks gestation end in stillbirth in Australia.

If you would like support for pregnancy loss, you can visit the SANDS website.

2. MH370 was under “manual control” when it diverted from plane route, final report finds.

Sarah Nor, the mother of Norliakmar Hamid, a passenger on missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, cries at the Ministry of Transport headquarters in Putrajaya, Malaysia. Image: AAP.

Families of passengers who died on board flight MH370 have been left feeling deflated and hurt after the investigators' "final" report, delivered four years after the plane's disappearance, was inconclusive.


The Malaysia Airlines plane vanished from radar screens carrying 239 people, including six Australians, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March 2014.

Dozens of pieces of debris that washed up on Africa's east coast have shown the Boeing 777 went down somewhere in the Indian Ocean, but the main wreckage had not been found when the search was wound up in May.

Chief investigator Kok Soo Chon told reporters in Kuala Lumpur on Monday his team couldn't conclusively determine what happened to the air-worthy and fuelled-up plane.

He said they did not believe the pilot was behind the change in direction to the Indian Ocean, which had to have been done under manual control, and 'unlawful interference by a third party" could not be ruled out.

Grace Nathan, a Malaysian lawyer whose mother Anne Daisy was on board, said many questions still needed to be answered.

These included why none of four transmitters on the plane sent any distress signal and why only two phone calls were made from the ground to the jetliner, five hours apart.

"There is no explanation why there weren't more attempts to contact the aircraft that flew for seven hours," she posted on social media.

"Four years on we are none the wiser."

3. Sydney chiropractor convicted after claiming his treatments could cure cancer.

Image: Facebook

A Sydney chiropractor, convicted of falsely claiming his treatments could cure and prevent cancer through a website, has been struck off for two years.

Hance Limboro pleaded guilty to 11 counts of advertising a health service in a false or misleading way in February 2017.

The offences occurred when articles appeared on a website linked to his practice which claimed cancer is preventable and curable because chiropractors treat the spine - "the root" of all disorders and diseases.

He was fined $29,500 but the Health Care Complaints Commission took his matter to the Civil and Administrative Tribunal to have him deregistered.

The convicted chiropractor told the tribunal he controlled but did not write or knowingly promote the offending material.


He blamed a man called Dwijat, an overseas-based web marketer who registered dozens of websites that directed potential customers to Limboro for a "free spinal check", the tribunal found.

Two expert witnesses - a chiropractor and radiation oncologist - both told the tribunal there was no evidence misalignment of the spine can cause cancer and chiropractic treatment can not prevent or treat the disease.

Limboro said he never claimed he could treat cancer while one of his referees, fellow chiropractor Paul Calladine, couldn't see "what all the fuss was about".

The tribunal ruled Limboro was an "active participant in a calculated scheme to cast a wide net of false and misleading website names, keywords and content" that would divert cancer sufferers to his business.

The tribunal called it "extremely unethical and unprofessional" and "predatory" before agreeing with the HCCC to deregister Limboro for two years.

He will not be allowed to practice in that time and was ordered to pay the HCCC's legal costs.

4. Netflix stands by Aziz Ansari despite sexual misconduct allegations.

Image: Getty

Netflix is standing by Master of None and Aziz Ansari despite a sexual-misconduct allegation against the comedian earlier this year.

Cindy Holland, a programming executive for the streaming service, said on Sunday there's been thought given to a third season for the comedy starring and co-created by Ansari.

She added that Netflix would "certainly be happy" to make another Master of None season with Ansari, but didn't commit to it or indicate what the production or release timeline might be. The show about a young, single actor in New York last aired in 2017.

Ansari in January was the subject of a lengthy article published on the website accusing him of sexual misconduct. In the piece, a woman who went on a date with Ansari accused him of coercing her into sexual activity that she later found she was uncomfortable with.

Ansari, in a subsequent statement, acknowledged having consensual sexual activity with the woman and said that he had been "surprised and concerned" to learn of her discomfort.


The report sparked a public debate, with some saying the claim shed light on aggressive sexual behaviour and others dismissing it as a bad date that should have remained private.

Fielding questions from TV critics at a summer press tour, Holland said that she has not spoken directly with Ansari since the article was published. Season 2 of Master of None premiered on Netflix in May 2017.

5. Archbishop Philip Wilson resigns after he was found guilty of covering up abuse.


Adelaide Archbishop Philip Wilson has formally resigned after being found guilty of concealing child abuse in a bid to help survivors move forward.

In May, Wilson became the most senior Catholic cleric to be convicted of not disclosing abuse to police.

The abuse was committed by priest James Fletcher in the NSW Hunter Valley in the 1970s.

Wilson insisted he would not step aside until his appeal against his 12-month home detention sentence was complete.

But, amid growing calls for his resignation, Wilson wrote to Pope Francis on July 20 requesting to step aside.

His request was accepted and announced on Monday night.

"I made this decision because I have become increasingly worried at the growing level of hurt that my recent conviction has caused within the community," Wilson said in a statement.

Wilson said he initially hoped to delay his decision until the appeal was finished.

"However, there is just too much pain and distress being caused by my maintaining the office of Archbishop of Adelaide, especially to the victims of Fr Fletcher," he wrote.

"I must end this".

The appeal is set to continue, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference said.

The bishops hoped Wilson's resignation may bring comfort to Fr Fletcher's victims.


"This decision may bring some comfort to them, despite the ongoing pain they bear," the ACBC said.

The Adelaide Archdiocese was placed under the care of Bishop Greg O'Kelly following the guilty verdict and he will remain in charge until Wilson's replacement is appointed by the Pope.

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