
Monday's need-to-know news in 60 seconds.

Your speedy update on all the day’s stories, Monday, July 21 2014

The latest on MH17.

1. Soccer team friends pay tribute to the lost Maslin children.

On Saturday, Scarborough Junior Club’s team mourned with devastated Perth parents Rin Norris and Anthony Maslin, who lost their three children, Mo, 12, Evie, 10 and Otis, 8, while they were travelling with their grandfather, Nick Norris, on MH17. Rin and Anthony returned home from Amsterdam on Saturday and joined Mo’s team mates as they released green and yellow (the team colours) balloons in tribute to the Maslin kids.

2. Tony Abbott looks to declaring MH17 a terrorist attack. 

Prime Minister Tony Abbott sought advice today on whether to declare MH17 as a terrorist attack. If it was classified as such, it would result in payments for families of Australian victims to receive up to $75,000.

Abbott has appointed former Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston as his personal envoy in the Ukraine. Houston is the former Defence chief and co-ordinator of the MH370 recovery (the plane that went and remains missing earlier this year).

3. Bring our people home.

The Australian government is working with the United Nations Security Council to sponsor a resolution that will condemn the MH17 attack, call for immediate access to the crash site and demand an independent investigation.

Abbott said, “In order to bring them home, we have to first get them out. That is what all of our energies and efforts are directed to – getting them out and getting them home.”

In other news.

4. Doctors accused of missing the signs 9 times before a young mother died from cervical cancer. 


At 20 years old, Keely Devine voiced concern over pain in her hip and abdomen and heavy bleeding following the birth of her son. Despite attending her GP 6 times, a hospital 3 times and having a contraceptive coil inserted (to alleviate the heavy bleeding) over 2 and a half years, her family say that doctors refused to give her a pap smear due to her young age.

The UK mum was finally diagnosed with cervical cancer – but too late. She later died at the age of 23.

5. Rolf Harris moved to a ‘soft prison’.

The Daily Mail reports that Rolf Harris has been moved to a “soft” prison, amid speculation he was receiving preferential treatment.

The Australian entertainer was convicted of 12 counts of incident assault against four separate women. The Sunday Mirror says that Harris is sharing a cell with another “pensioner” inmate, and has been very withdrawn. “He is doing all right but spends hours drawing. It takes his mind off things.”

The UK Attorney General Jeremy Wright will investigate whether his sentence is too lenient.

6. No holiday for Anzac Day next year… unless you are in WA.

Next year, Anzac Day falls on a Saturday. Which means that the following Monday will not be a public holiday – as no additional day is granted.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, WA will be the only state that will have a public holiday on Monday 27 April 2015.

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