
Meshel Laurie learns the mood-boosting powers of a hair change.

In Legally Blonde, Elle Woods is adamant that the cure for feeling down is a trip to the therapist… the beauty therapist, that is.

The same principle can be applied to hair. A change in colour, a haircut, or even a slightly different style can be enough to turn a bad day into a much better one, as Meshel Laurie has just learned.

On Friday morning, the Aussie comedian and radio host was feeling down and found respite in an unexpected place: the Channel 10 makeup room.

“I was feeling a bit blue today and then I entered the channel 10 make up room and they gave me fake hair!! I’ve never had extensions before. This day has changed my life!! Thank you girls,” Meshel wrote on Facebook alongside an after-shot of her with longer, lilac-tinted hair — and a big, beautiful smile on her face.

Love the hair, but also - those lashes! Swoooooon. (Image: Facebook)


"Love to anyone else who's a bit down today for whatever reason. Wish I could send you some hair," the Nova presenter added.

The mood-boosting magic of a simple hair change didn't come as a surprise to Meshel's followers, who posted messages of support.

In a second post later in the day, Meshel went into a bit more detail about what had contributed to her low mood — and admitted she was sold on her new look.

We quizzed some of our favourite local media personalities about their 'Hall Passes' - watch the result here. (Post continues after video.)


"After a tough six months that involved a marriage separation and loss of the best work situation I've ever had, I'm in the mood for some changes," she wrote.

"Hair & make up gone and I've just put pizza cheese on a Light n Easy frozen dinner so... back to normal! Thanks so much for the encouragement. I'm seriously considering getting permanent extensions this week. Any recommendations in Melbourne?" she wrote. (Post continues after gallery.)

Of course, not all of us are high-profile media personalities with professional stylists on hand. However, Meshel's anecdote is a reminder that it's OK to do something for yourself — undertake a little pampering, even — in order to feel happier.

And hey, if that happens to involve a new hairstyle, so be it.

We're glad you're feeling happier, Meshel — and we can't wait to see your next hair look.

What helps you to cheer up?

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