In this Instagram world of carefully posed pictures of perfection (try saying that 10 times fast), it’s no wonder nobody wants to admit they’re in the wrong relationship. Having found myself in defective relationships more than I care to admit, I once wrote myself a list of all the warning signs I should have taken heed of, long before I built the courage to do so.
The guy you have to apologise for.
“Mum, I swear he is normally so lovely and sensitive. He’s just having a hard time at work.” “Mum, I swear he is so kind to me, he just had a fight with his parents so he’s feeling stressed.”
“Mum… He’s actually just an arsehole.”
The moment you start making excuses to your family or friends about your man’s dodgy behaviour, #HeAintTheOne.
He only looks great on Instagram.
Haven’t we all been there? He’s the hottie with the body who makes you look at your friends like this…
You could stare at him like the total weirdo you are for months on end until… you realise that despite being really, really, ridiculously good looking, he is really, really, ridiculously boring.
He whinges about everything and mens health magazines are his go-to source of information. You thought you could deal with his personality in return for some beautiful couple shots (#shallow), but looking into yourself real deep, you know #HeAintTheOne
Listen: Osher Gunsberg and psychologist Leanne Hall discuss the importance of breaking from your comfort zone, and dating someone who isn’t your type. Post continues after audio.