
Inspiring dad: My wife couldn't breastfeed, so I did.

These cute images have a serious message behind them. Do you love?

A group of amazing dads has gotten together in support of breastfeeding with a powerful campaign called, “If I Could I Would”. The photos series – which features on the Project: Breastfeeding website – show dads holding their children in nursing positions. They’re kind of beautiful.

Founder Hector Cruz watched first-hand as his wife Nicole struggled to breastfeed after the c-section birth of their daughter Sophia in 2013.

“My wife would cry herself to sleep at night and I just didn’t know what to do,” he says. “I wasn’t allowed to go to her breastfeeding class at Gateway Hospital in Clarksville, Tennessee, where my daughter was born, because God forbid if I saw another woman’s breast. So I had no idea what to do, I had no idea how I could help her.”

Every time he tried to find a resource to help him support his wife, he was confronted with endless literature aimed at women, but nothing for men.

“My goal is getting dads involved. When it comes to breastfeeding we think its none of our business, so we think that it’s not our duty – but that’s so not true. A father can make or break a breastfeeding relationship between child and mother,” Cruz says. “Dads’ roles have been so dumped down in the last 50 years. I want to let them know they play a crucial and vital role in the breastfeeding relationship between mom and baby.”

One of his main aims, aside from educating men about breastfeeding, is to stop the mentality that it is ‘gross’. “I have met a lot of men who are against breastfeeding because they think it’s “gross” – and I’m yet to find one guy to explain to me why, exactly, it’s “gross”, he says.

Images courtesy of Project: Breastfeeding. Find out more at the Project: Breastfeeding Facebook page.

Is it right that this man wasn’t allowed to go to breastfeeding class with his wife?

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