
Melissa George embroiled in ugly "child snatching" dispute with her ex-partner.

Nearly six months on from an altercation that left Australian actress Melissa George in hospital, the mother-of-two has been accused of trying to sneak her sons out of France by her ex-partner, Jean-David Blanc.

“Madame George, the two young children and the dog, were intercepted by the PAF (French border police) while they were preparing to take off in a private jet from La Bourget airport destined for Los Angeles and Canada,” Blanc’s lawyer, Jacqueline Laffont told News Corp earlier this week.

“The police had the flight stopped and prevented this departure, which was imminent, despite the fact a legal order to prevent the children leaving the country had been issued,” Laffont said.

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Melissa George. Source: Getty.

Trouble between George and Blanc began on September 7 last year, when the 40-year-old Australian presented to a Paris police station at 3am with physical injuries that included bruises to her face and body.


The actor claimed an explosive row had erupted between her and her husband, which resulted in him physically abusing her.

George was taken to hospital and treated for injuries, while Blanc, an internet entrepreneur, spent two nights in police custody.

Blanc, who is believed to be 48 years old, claims he was also physically assaulted by George, presenting with scratches to his face and torso, and claimed he only acted in self-defence after his partner of four years became "hysterical".

“It was a love story and then it turned to hell,’’ George's lawyer,  Christophe Ayela told News Corp about the couple's relationship before the incident.

Less than one week on, on September 13, George attempted to leave Paris with her sons three-year-old Raphael and one-year-old Solal, on a trip she claims was planned long before the couple's physical fallout.

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“Melissa George did not know there was a travel ban concerning the children,” Ayela told News Corp, adding, “She had the plane booked well before the September fight and we can prove it."

Blanc's lawyer, however, says, “She tried to leave in a private jet lent to her by Russian friends. Fortunately, her husband was alerted to this. The Police aux Frontieres (the French border police) intercepted Ms George and her children just as they were about to leave on the plane from Le Bourget airport."


The couple's case first went to court in October, with both George and Blanc being found guilty of attacking one another.

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Melissa George and Jean-Davide Blanc in 2016. Source: Getty.

Blanc received a one-month suspended jail sentence and an order to compensate George AU $1400. George received a more hefty AU $7000 fine, which was then suspended, and instead, she was forced to pay AU $1.40 in compensation to Blanc.

Despite the ruling, though, Ayela maintains George only acted in self-defence, telling News Corp, "He only got a scratch on his chest. It wasn’t the same level of violence. All she did was defend herself.”

Both parties are now appealing the convictions and wading through a separation settlement.

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