
Some proposal videos hit you in the face with ALL THE FEELINGS. This is one of them.

Sometimes a story comes along that hits you in the face with all of the feelings.

This is one of those.

On a drizzly Melbourne morning like most other Melbourne mornings, a man named Ryan knelt in front of a girl named Hannah and asked her to be his wife.

And because it’s 2017, the whole loved-up moment was captured on video for all of us to enjoy via Metro Trains.

She said yes. It was perfect.

If you didn’t know the pair, you might find the soul-destroying backdrop of a peak-hour train ride an odd choice for such an occasion.

However, for the couple who met on the Melbourne’s Frankston line 10 years ago, it made perfect sense to start the next chapter of their lives right where it all began.

Now if this isn’t a lesson in keeping your head up (looking for Mr Right) instead of scrolling on your phone during your morning commute, we don’t know what is.

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