
People are very, very concerned about Meghan Markle's wedding 'wardrobe malfunction'.

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Celebrating her 37th birthday at wedding of Charlie Van Straubenzee and Daisy Jenks, it’s been suggested that Meghan Markle suffered a ‘wardrobe malfunction’ of sorts.

We use the term ‘suffered’ lightly, because for one reason or another, the top button of Meghan’s navy, Club Monaco dress unfastened itself, and for a brief moment the world glimpsed the tiniest bit of Meghan’s lacy bra.

We know… alert the British Home Secretary, message the national federation of wedding guest decency and hide the photos from the Queen because this is an A-grade royal scandal.

Alas, we jest, because this has happened to approximately every woman at least once in their life.

Meghan Markle wardrobe malfunction
The offending picture. Image: Getty.

Luckily, the situation was secured (haha, get it?)  mere moments later, and the royal-watching world was restored back to its tea and crumpet sipping ways.

Meghan Markle wardrobe malfunction
Decency has been restored. Image: Getty.

Of course, this is completely ridiculous, and we completely acknowledge that while you suffer food poisoning, blisters from squishy shoes and annoying relatives at a family wedding... sometimes all three in one afternoon, the same doesn't apply for accidentally flashing a tiny bit of your bra at the fault of a rouge button.

And it seems like Twitter agrees with our sentiment.



So let's all endeavour to move on shall we?

All the reasons why we can't help but absolutely adore Meghan Markle for the the wonder woman she is, wardrobe mishaps and all.

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