
A secret, saucy online diary was posted in 2010. Turns out, Meghan Markle was the author.

According to The Sun, in 2010, actress and soon-to-be-royal Meghan Markle began writing a series of somewhat racy, online journal entries under the name ‘The Working Actress’, about her life “hustling” for a life of success and stardom.

We. Care. So. Much.


The passages are not at all what you’d expect from a person who is about to marry into the royal family, with the blog detailing the privacies of her sex life. She also referred to her breasts as “magical boobs”. Oh my.

“I am a working actor. And I don’t have an entourage. Not a star. Not in tabloids,” Markle wrote in a journal entry.

“The kind of girl who is sometimes recognisable-ish. Operative suffix being ‘ish’,” she continued.

“I don’t wait tables. I don’t have a side job. I am in the club of the fortunate few that somehow make a living playing dress up. When it’s good, it’s f***ing awesome.”

Listen to: In case you missed it, Meghan Markle has brought slut strands back. (Post continues after audio.)

Her blog used the silhouette of a director’s chair as its logo, where she wrote a number of confessions that have since been deleted.

“The other 300+ days, it’s harder than most would think. Humbling. Greuling [sic]. Sometimes mind numbing,” she wrote in another post.

“But at the end of the day, it’s all worth it.”

Her admissions were frank, honest, rather intimate, and according to The Sun‘s insiders, they were an effective form of therapy for Markle.

“Come and read about sex. Lots of sex!,” she promoted to Twitter at the time.

In July of 2012, she decided to delete the blog due to a recent rush of success from her television show Suits.

“I work long hours, I travel for Press, my mind memorises. My mind spins. My days blur. My nights are restless. My hair is primped, my face is painted, my name is recognised, my star meter is rising, my life is changing,” she wrote before officially deleting the online journal.

Sure, the Queen may not be as impressed with the surfacing of this news, but the rest of us are living for it.

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