
There's actually a very obvious reason why Harry and Meghan are leaving Kensington Palace.


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After rumours suggested that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were about to fly their Kensington Palace coup and move out on their own, this is in fact happening.

The Sun’s Emily Andrews was the first to break the news on Twitter, with an official report from Kensington Palace following closely after.

Although their official residence will still remain as Kensington Palace, the pair are expected to move to Frogmore Cottage on the royal Windsor Estate early next year before the birth of their first child.




However, now that we have confirmation that the Duke and Duchess are moving, the question everybody wants to know is why… and people have theories.

Mainly ones that include apparent ‘tensions’ between Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry and Prince William and Duchess Catherine, because of course.

Just last week a royal source told the Daily Mail that there were ‘tensions’ between Will and Harry, and by now we must all be familiar with the tales of ‘Hurricane Meghan’ traumatising staff with her 5am morning starts and endless American pep.

“Harry and Meghan want to move, and need more space, but they don’t want to live next door to William and Catherine,” they wrote, quoting said source.


Despite all these theories, it seems we’re missing the very obvious reason why Harry and Meghan are moving out of London and it has nothing to do with a possible family riff… not to mention the fact they were all seen together at Prince Charles’ 70th birthday celebrations.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from birth to now… they’re a but cute aren’t they?

Video by MMC

It seems like a bit of a tradition for royals couple to spend a few years away from London after the birth of their first child, and it’s something Prince William and Duchess Catherine did too.

Although the older royals used to live in Nottingham Cottage, which is where Harry and Meghan live now, after the birth of Prince George the family moved to Bucklebury Manor, the family home of Duchess Catherine’s parents.

They later moved to a Anmer Hall, a country mansion in Norfolk, after the birth of their second child, and didn’t return to London till Princess Charlotte was three, in June of this year.

Meghan Markle news Frogmore cottage
The royal family visiting the grounds of the Frogmore Estate in 1968. Image: Getty.

And it looks like Harry and Meghan might be doing the same. According to House Beautiful, the Frogmore Estate holds many beautiful "picturesque landscape gardens," which would be perfect for relaxing walks with a baby stroller in hand, one could say.

The grounds, which gets its name from the abundance of frogs that live in the surrounding marshes, was originally used as a "country retreat" for Princess Charlotte of Wales in 1792 for "herself and her unmarried daughters".


Harry and Meghan also have a special tie to the heritage building as it also overlooks Frogmore House, which was the location of their wedding reception hosted by Prince Charles.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry arriving at Frogmore House for their reception. Image: Getty.

And wouldn't that be a nice memory to reminisce about while the young couple are getting used to parenting and changing dirty nappies?

What do you think of Harry and Meghan leaving their Kensington Palace home? Tell us in a comment below.

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