
Samantha Markle attacks Doria Ragland in a lengthy Twitter tirade.


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The Duchess of Sussex’s half-sister Samantha Markle, has publicly attacked the new royal’s mother, Doria Ragland.

Markle, 53, has been vocal in her criticism of Meghan and Harry all year in the lead up to the wedding, but the criticism directed at Ragland was a new tactic to get her half-sister’s attention.

In tweets that were momentarily public, but have since been protected by Markle securing her account, she claimed Ragland was also responsible for spreading untruth about her shared father, Thomas Markle.

In screenshots of the tweets obtained by Mamamia early this morning, it is clear that the estranged sister is angry with the sleights against her dad.

“The world does not know that our dad raised her most of the time without the input of her mother especially from age 12 through high school and he gave her everything she had and is,” Markle tweeted.

“She was never raised as an only child. Truth kids! He is amazing and successful and mags lie.”


The tweet on Samantha Markle's Twitter account. which has since become private. Source: Twitter.

Markle subsequently tweeted defensive responses to comments made by some of her followers.

"Glad you love people you don't even know. But everything that you think you know from tabloids is a lie. Dad pretty much raised her most of her life on his own and Doria was not around very much."

Clearly very hurt by the minimisation of her father's role in the Duchess' life, Markle also tweeted, "Losers who called him a sperm donor can choke on their words."

She continued in her tirade, "Dad pretty much raised her most of her life on his own and Doria was not around very much."


Source: Twitter

Markle also took the opportunity to accuse the Duchess of betraying her friends.

"Doria might appear to be her best friend now because she ghosted her best friend of 30 years. Nikki Priddy."

Markle also told her followers that they didn't know the real history of The Duchess' childhood, claiming, "You have no idea what is going on behind the scenes."


Source: Twitter

She added a final blow to her half-sister, "She has ghosted both sides of the family. She needs to earn our trust. It is the other way around. You don't crap on an entire family and then run around crying that you cannot trust everyone."

Markle flew to the UK last week, hoping to have an audience with the Duchess to make amends. But after receiving no response, she appeared on the Jeremy Vine show on Monday.


In her discussion, she expressed some regret at the way events have transpired, but she also seemingly to blamed the Duchess for their estrangement, insisting it could all have been “nipped in the bud” if she had been invited to her wedding to Prince Harry in May.


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