
Using bananas and a marker, Meghan Markle sent messages to sex workers.


^^ Well, there’s a sentence we never thought we’d write.

But as bizarre as the concept of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, communicating via fruit (OK, technically a herb) might sound, it’s entirely true. Not to mention, quite touching.

During a tour of the UK city of Bristol on Friday, the actor-turned-Royal visited a charity called One25, which supports women seeking to leave street sex work.

While helping put together food packages to be distributed via the organisation’s outreach program, the Duchess decided to add a personal touch.

Video by Mamamia

“Do you have a Sharpie marker? I have an idea,” she said, as captured via footage posted to Twitter.

“I saw this project this woman had started somewhere in the States on a school lunch program. On each of the bananas she wrote an affirmation, to make the kids feel really, like, empowered.

“It was the most incredible idea – this small gesture.”


Image: Getty.

The Duchess' simple yet meaningful act was praised by One25 CEO Anna Smith.

“That really touched me,” she told reporter Omid Scobie. “She listened and heard that we don’t judge, we just offer our service. She totally got it.”

A passionate activist and philanthropist long before wedding Prince Harry in May 2018, the former Suits star had partnered with a number of organisations including World Vision, One Young World and UN Women.

During her engagement interview with the BBC back in 2017, she addressed the importance of continuing that work.

"What’s been really exciting, as we talk about this as the transition out of my career... is that the causes that have been very important to me, I can focus even more energy on," she said.

"Once you have access or a voice that people want to listen to, with that comes a lot of responsibility."

The Duchess last month announced that she would serve as patron to four charitable organisations; the National Theatre, the Association of Commonwealth Universities, animal welfare charity Mayhew, and Smart Works, an employment coaching service for out-of-work women.

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