
My perfect Sunday: Megan Washington

It’s been a very big week for Megan Washington.

On Monday night, she was the subject of Australian Story. “Tune in if you want to see my insides,” she declared on Facebook just before the show, which focused on her struggle with stuttering, aired.

The ARIA award winning singer and song writer’s new album also just went on pre-sale (buy it here), she’s preparing for a trip to the UK and yesterday she chopped all her hair off:

Images via Instagram @TheGlowAu and @Washingtongram


We were curious to know what it takes to wind down after such a crazy week. So we asked her how, in a perfect world, she'd be spending her Sunday morning.

What are you eating?

I'm eating a fruit salad I made myself, with healthy tasty superfood things that make me feel like I'm treating myself right, and a pain au chocolat from Bourke Street Bakery because: delicious. And a skim flat white from the cafe downstairs from my apartment.

bourke street bakery pain au chocolat
Image via Bourke Street Bakery


What are you listening to?

I've not stopped playing "Muscle Memory" by Scott Spark since I got it, so, that.

scott spark muscle memory
Image via

What are you doing?

I'm Skyping my UK friends, it's usually a good time in the mornings. And I am laughing because they are tipsy because it's still Saturday night for them.


What are you wearing?

I'm wearing gym gear in expectant hope, but with Ugg Boots on instead of trainers, because I know what I'm really like.

ugg boots
Image via Wikimedia

What did you do last night?

I went to Fratelli Paradiso with a girlfriend and ate the Scampi Grill and shared a bottle of wine, then walked home the long way and was in bed by midnight, before I turned into a pumpkin.

In a perfect world, how would you be spending your Sunday?

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