reality tv

Megan Marx explains the rules she set with Jake Ellis after their break-up.

When Megan Marx and Jake Ellis broke up, the Bachelor in Paradise couple didn’t want to take the similar actions other Bachelor alumni had made post split.

Last Tuesday Megan announced on Instagram that she and Jake had broken up, describing Jake as “the biggest-hearted man I’ve ever met”.

It seems the ex-couple wanted to continue with that kind tone. As Megan shared with her Instagram followers on Monday night, the influencers set out a list of rules that each other would follow in the period of scrutiny following their split.

“When Jake and I broke up we agreed on a few guidelines and principles,” she explained.

“To not get nasty, to not use media as a way to get ahead, to remember the good over the bad, to give one another space but stay as close as is reasonable in hard circumstances.”

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It’s possible the couple were looking at the fallout from the relationships of Tara Pavlovic and Sam Cochrane, as well as Keira Maguire and Jarrod Woodgate.

However, Megan said they’ve become hard to stick to, pointing at the media for trying to “wring out the respect and care people have for each other”.

The model explained that it was “hard not to be paranoid” and to keep from responding to “ridiculous claims” that “attack someone you want the best for”.

So far though, Megan said she and Jake have managed to keep from slamming each other publicly.

“I’m trying to deal with this in an adult way, without slinging shit and I’m proud to have dated someone who has the same diplomacy and respect in an incredibly emotional situation.”

Megan assured her followers that she and Jake would both be fine, saying she’s dealing with the break-up by “bringing life back to basics” – including beach trips, meditation and booking holidays.

“(Jake) will find his girl, and I will find my girl or guy too when I am ready to date. The future is a mystery.”

Megan also asked for privacy during their period where she dealt with the “raw heartbreak” of their split.

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