
Meet Kristina Pimenova, the nine-year-old supermodel.

That face.

She has over 24, 000 followers on Instagram, two million followers on Facebook, 3, 500 views on YouTube, and I’m pretty sure there are items in my pantry older than her.

Meet nine year old Kristina Pimenova, AKA the child supermodel.

With shiny dark blonde hair, bright blue eyes and rounded lips, it’s easy to see why she’s made international headlines – the girl is stunning. In high demand already, Kristina has graced the cover of magazines such as Vogue Bambini and modelled for Roberto Cavalli and Bennetton, all before some most children even start high school.

Kristina Pimenova. Image: Instagram

Born to Russian parents, Ruslan Pimenov and Glikeriya Shirokva, in Moscow, Kristina has taken the world by storm with tens of thousands of people obsessed with the nine-year-old beauty.

But at what point to do consider a fascination with a child to be frankly, a bit creepy.

A quick look at Kristina's Instagram account, which is coordinated by her mother, and you'll see hundreds of images of Kristina including several of her draped across the bed, bare shouldered and staring with sultry eyes down the camera.

Another shows her perched on the bed, long legs outstretched across a table while she plays on her phone.

Kristina Pimenova. Image: Instagram

A common image is Kristina pouting gently while making eye contact with who ever is behind the lens.

Not really pictures I want to see of a nine-year-old. Or a child of any age for that matter.

I'm not the only one who feels a little comfortable with how this child is being portrayed. Among the glowing praise for the angel child are scattered comments like this from one commentator: "She's a pretty kid but the photos creep me out. This is not what a child's life should be like. She's nine for goodness sakes."

Kristina Pimenova. Image: Instagram

Finally, some sense among all the madness!


What worries me the most is that someone is behind these images. Someone is making decisions for a child who is clearly too young to comprehend repercussions or understand connotations. A child who is trusting another person to look after their best interests and protect them from harm.

It's also concerning that Kristina's mother herself was a model so likely knows the dark side to the industry better than most.

Kristina Pimenova. Image: Instagram

You can't tell me that among the 244, 000 people "following" a child on Instagram, there are not a whole heap of perverts and sickos getting off on the sultry, seductive images being posted daily. The only reason this child is famous is because of her looks.

And I was right, scanning through the comments on Kristina's picture and I see many comments referring to her as '"sexy" SEXY! She is a nine year old child! Nothing about that is, nor should be considered sexy.

Dr Fiona Martin from the Sydney Psychology Centre recently spoke to about the dangers of children being sexualised in the media, “Very clear boundaries are needed” she said. "Children are vulnerable to persuasion and cannot make decisions themselves. Media and advertising bodies which self-regulate can write and regulate codes … in the best interest of the children … and ensure that they’re applied across the industry."

Looking at the photos of Kristina there seems to be a very fine line between the world admiring a good looking child and turning that child into something way beyond her years.

Would you let your child model? Do you think Kristina is too young for the profession?

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