
BEC: Meet my new baby...







Hi Everyone,

I’m writing this from my hospital bed to let you know that my little Makybe Diva arrived safely late yesterday afternoon.

It’s a boy!

And we’ve called him Quincy George Robinson.  You may want to sit down for this next bit. He weighed in at 4.1kg (at 36 weeks and 6 days!) and is 53 cm long.

How did we end up with the name Quincy?  Good question.  One of Brad’s friends suggested it just recently and when I looked up the meaning of the name it meant “Fifth Son” or “Estate of the 5th son” … which I decided was serendipity since this little boy was my fifth (and last) pregnancy. Seriously, I think my womb is already trying to get lawyered-up.

Here are a couple of rather grainy photos of me with Q … but I just wanted to thank all of you for your support, encouragement and cheer-squad like behaviour since I told you I was pregnant again. Your faith and comforting words has helped me through this pregnancy more than you could know.

Bec and Quincy.
Clockwise from L: Quincy being held by big sister, Ava; Brad, Bec and Quincy; Baby Quincy fast asleep.


And now I plan to enjoy being in hospital, having meals brought to me, no washing, no cooking, no cleaning, no fetching 18 million glasses of water or being forced to sit through impromptu puppet shows (that could frankly do with decent scripts).  It’s entirely possible I’m confusing hospital with Club Med but I don’t care.  Bring. On. The. Desserts.  And cuddles with my beautiful, dark haired new son.

Much love,

Bec and Quincy.


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